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Tuition Assistance

  • Child Care Works makes it possible for low-income families to find reliable child care near their home or work and provides financial assistance to help them afford it. Through Child Care Works, families have access to quality care programs that may otherwise be out of their reach.

    You must submit an application to the ELRC to see if you meet the guidelines for the subsidized child care program.

  • Infant Toddler Contracted Slots (ITCS)

    Federal funding is utilized to fund a program serving Child Care Works eligible infants and toddlers via contracted slots. Contracted slots are an alternative to the traditional voucher system. With the voucher system, the funding follows the child. A parent selects a provider and the provider is paid based on the CCW enrollment. With contracted slots, the funding for awarded slots remains with a provider. If a child leaves a provider, the provider continues to be paid for the slot and is responsible to fill the slot with a different CCW eligible child.

    Speak with your director to see if you qualify for ITCS.

  • Pre-K Counts (PKC)

    Pre-K Counts provides quality half-day and full-day pre-kindergarten to eligible 3 & 4 year old children in Pennsylvania. This program is state-funded and designed for children who are between age 3 and younger than the age for entry into kindergarten, are at risk of school failure, and living in families earning up to 300 percent of the federal income poverty level.
    Full-day Pre-K Counts is offered at 4 Early Connections locations with an additional classroom offered in partnership with Iroquois Elementary School.
    Wrap care is available for care provided before and after PKC class hours.

    Reach out to the site directors to inquire about open Pre-K Counts spots!

  • Erie's Future Fund is a high-quality preschool scholarship program for income eligible families of children up to two years prior to kindergarten eligibility, who reside in Erie county. Erie's Future Fund is uniquely designed to partner with over 40 centers throughout Erie county to reach high need families thanks to the continued support of our stakeholders and supporters!

    If you're interested in applying, click "Erie's Future Fund Scholarship" above to be sent to their "How to Qualify" page and learn more!

  • Other Funding

    Other funding assistance opportunities may also be available.