What is Erie’s Future Fund?
Erie's Future Fund is a high-quality preschool scholarship for income eligible families of children up to two years prior to Kindergarten eligibility, who reside in Erie County. Erie's Future Fund is uniquely designed to partner with over 40 centers throughout Erie County to reach high need families thanks to the continued support of our stakeholders and supporters!
Raising/providing funds
The Erie Community Foundation, United Way of Erie County and local members of the Early Learning Investment Commission are the original stakeholders for Erie’s Future Fund and provide Early Connections still champion the scholarship in Erie County. This partnership also provides high-level oversight and facilitates resources for evaluation. Early Connections is coordinating the Erie’s Future Fund Scholarship Effort, providing support to the fundraising effort, policy development and direct administration of the scholarship. There are three major funding emphases: direct donations; EITC tax credit donations; and cause related marketing efforts (presently being coordinated through Early Connections).
Evaluation is built into the scholarship program. Formative evaluation will provide information about the implementation of the model and suggestions for improvement as the model is getting underway. The summative evaluation will measure the impact of the program on school readiness of participating children, responsiveness of supply to provide more high-quality openings for children, and engagement of participating parents in their children’s education.
*Keystone STARS (Improving quality through Standards, Training/Professional Development, Assistance, Resources and Support is an initiative of the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) to improve, support, and recognize continuous quality improvement efforts of early learning programs in PA. Performance Standards are grouped into four levels STAR 1-4. The standards address staff qualifications and professional development, the early learning program, partnerships with family and community, and leadership and management.